My WOrk
My life is my art
Here is a collection of past projects
My life is my art
Here is a collection of past projects
These case studies help give insight into how I work and think. I pull back the curtains and reveal the messy details of some of the my best work and what it took to bring them to life. From launching a new physical product to how I approach my photography, you get a sense of who I am as a designer, business owner and artist.
This is a behind the sense of every aspect I went through to create and run my first conference. I give design reasons and backstory of how it all started. I also share everything from sketches, to rough rendering to finished products. It's packed with everything from app design, poster design/marketing to design for people to interact in real life.
This is what helped me turn the corner and move from a coder to a content creator running my own annually published magazine. I walk through what vendors I use and why. If you have ever wanted to write a book or publish your own magazine, this case study can help you see just how realistic it is to make that dream come true from a self published perspective.
Kyle is an entrepreneur focusing on icon design. He was looking to refresh his photos to better connect with his audience and tell his story. Working with small companies and startups is a passion of mine. In this capacity I become a co-creator with the company as we work together to help them share their message; in this case through photos.
Home is one of the places that can really speak to who you are. It is the birthplace for many of our fondest memories and often the ones that go most unnoticed. That was exactly what Leila and Nick were wanting to capture; the beauty of everyday life in their wonderful home they had loved from day one.
2015 - Presented at an iOS meet up. Talked about the future trends of mobile development. My goal was to help developers look past today and change their mindset on how they approach app development.
WW@SA is a conference for designer & developers who work on the Apple products. As part of creating the conference I knew I was going to be the closing speaker. I wanted people leave feeling inspired.