
VoLume 38



Volume 38 is the first time that I have truly begun to see more of the future as it is unfolding. It is the first release of a trilogy spanning the next three years, closing this decade and ushering in the next. So much has been set in motion for projects I have envisioned for years. It's a unique moment when your thoughts are becoming a reality. So much learning. So much unknowing exposed. It's beautifully vulnerable.


What to expect in this magazine



The theme for this year was "Looking." I have finally started to lift my gaze forward instead of longing to live backward, enchanted by my memories. As I looked forward, I folded deeper and deeper into myself. Healing on levels that will carry positive energy forward for many generations. The question I have been asking myself all year is:

"What must I do to put myself in an environment where I am operating at my highest self?"

I hope you enjoy this issue :)

People Who Inspire Me

This year we have three amazing features.

Zola-Ludivine Luvualo - First, my friend Zola who is unstoppable. She is able to accomplish anything, really. I have been so blown away watching her design and launch her own skin care brand while being amazing in her day job. I can’t wait for you to read her story.

Carlos Becerra - Next is my art teacher from high school, Carlos. He is the first person outside of my family who recognized and fostered my creative potential. He taught me photography, photoshop, illustrator, drawing and so much more. All of which have made this company/publication even possible.

Limatus Bespoke - This is the first year I have ever featured a brand. That speaks to the incredible group this team really is. I have had the privilege to work with them in many aspects and after five years I am still blown away by them. They are a custom suit company but their experience makes you feel like family.

A black woman in a white jumpsuit with a small white shopping bag on her left shoulder.

Zola-Ludivine Luvualo


an older man with a short white beard rest his hands on a wooden canoe. He is wearing thin black frame glasses with a baseball hat with a "C" in the middle of it.

Carlos Becerra


Group of 4 people, 3 woemn and 1 man. all are wearing custom made suites in front of a large marble wall with the company name "Limatus Bespoke" on it.

Limatus Bespoke





Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me